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Requirements for Call of Duty: Black Ops III Mod-tools.

You need to own Black Ops III on Steam, this is the only way to own a PC version of the game.
Then go to your Steam Library / Tools / Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Mod Tools and install.

You may also want to install extra assets which include more models and textures. On the same page as installing the mod tools,
right click them Properties / DLC / BOIII Mod Tools - Additional Assets and tick the "INSTALL" box. ADDITIONAL ASSETS IS ABOUT 50GB IN SIZE.

A desktop shortcut can be created when installing but use any methods you like to quick access the tools. If you would like to access a single program from within the tools, such as Radiant Black - the level design software, go to your Black Ops 3 "root folder" (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III), modtools_launcher can be found here if you wish to make a shortcut to that, then go into bin where you can also find modlauncher, export2bin, Radiant_modtools and all 

Requirements for Unreal Engine 4 / 5.

Before we dive into this topic, please make sure your pc is able to run Unreal Engine.
Recommended Hardware

Editor Basics,
An Unreal Engine Project holds all the contents of your game. It contains a number of folders on your disk, such as Blueprints and Materials. You can name and organize folders inside a Project however you wish.
The Content Browser panel inside the Unreal Editor shows the same directory structure found inside the Project folder on your disk.

Every project has a .uproject file associated with it. The .uproject file is how you create, open, or save a project. You can create any number of different projects and work on them in parallel.
In Unreal Editor, the scenes in which you create your game experience are generally referred to as Levels. You can think of a level as a 3D environment into which you place a series of objects and geometry to define the world your players will experience. Any object that is placed in your world,

be it a light, a mesh, or a character, is considered to be an Actor. Technically speaking, an Actor is a programming class used within the Unreal Engine to define an object that has 3D position, rotation, and scale data. Think of an Actor as any object that can be placed in your levels.

More details at our source.